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Much like an essay, the key to writing a business letter to prospective or existing clients boils down to planning a structure that draws the reader in by capturing their attention before driving home the main message.

Simply use the powerful AEIOU formula as a handy guideline to writing business letters that will be read.

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Using rapport in business emails keeps clients happy.

Using rapport in business emails keeps clients happy.

Body language in writing

What is the purpose of writing client letters and emails? The obvious response would be to disseminate information about your goods and/ or services. But the true answer lies much deeper than that…

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How to improve your professional business writing skills.

How to improve your professional business writing skills.

There are four fail safe tricks to improving the emails and letters you send to clients.

Before you even pick up a pen or start tapping away consider:

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Simple writing techniques to improve business emails.

Simple writing techniques to improve business emails.

Many businesses and organisations fall in to the trap of believing they need to use “big” words to impress their clients or customers.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to writing. It is important to match the language to the communication platform as well as the target audience.

Simply put, how your write a business email to a client will differ greatly to the language you use when drafting an annual report or submitting a proposal to the company board.

The key to effective email writing is to adopt simple words that reflects everyday conversation rather than dry academic language.

Use more 4-letter verbs!

Instead of “informing” your clients “tell” them.

Swap “discover” for “find”.

Rather than “provide” just “give” them information.

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Effective business writing tips

Effective business writing tips

Here are a few simple tips on how to communicate more effectively in writing:

1. Don’t bury the treasure

Make sure the main message stands out loud and clear in whatever you write.

Get to the main point straight off the bat rather than leading up to it with a long preamble.

Consider the reader’s attention is always highest when they first begin and then fades away accordingly.

Same goes for each sentence – top each sentence with the main focus.

2. Less is more

Following on from the previous point, the less words you write the greater the chance people will understand your key message.
The less you write, the more inclined people will be to read.

The less you say, the more they are likely to understand. The less you bog down you sentences with unnecessary words, the easier it is to read.

3. Clear and concise language

Not only is it important to use less words but also you must concentrate on using the right words. Words that inspire, motivate and persuade.

Using concise clear language is critical to compelling your reader to pursue your desired action. Keep it short and simple.

4. First engage then inform

Too often people are very heavy-handed in bombarding their audience with facts and figures but forget to make it interesting. Attract your reader’s attention by identifying the relevance to them before providing the information.

Simply put, if the reader fails to see any advantage for them, they are unlikely to care what you have to tell them.

5. Proof read

Avoid letting yourself down at the final hurdle by publishing documents riddled with typos or spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

If literacy is not your strong suit, ask someone else to review your work before you send it out. Nothing destroys professionalism easier than sloppy mistakes.

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